This request can only be made by the license steward.
Proliferation category: Recommend which license proliferation category is appropriateįor Retirement Has appropriate standing: License StewardĪ request to retire the license.
Legal review: Describe any legal review the license has been through, and provide results of any legal analysis if available.
Distinguish: Compare to and contrast with the most similar OSI-approved license(s).
Rationale: Clearly state rationale for a new license.
a link to earlier public discussions (if any)įor Approval Has appropriate standing: License StewardĪpproval of completely new licenses, or licenses previously used by only a single entity.
the supporting data listed below (as appropriate for the type of submission).
the submission type and license name in subject field (to ensure proper tracking).
Submit a formal request to license-review.
Subscribe to license-review (if you aren't already).
Ensure you have appropriate standing to submit the type of submission that you have identified.
Identify the type of submission ( Retirement, Legacy Approval or Approval).
Read the Open Source Definition and ensure that your license complies with it.
Ensure a thorough, transparent and timely review (e.g.
Ensure approved licenses conform to the Open Source Definition and provide software freedom.
The OSI Board is happy to consult with entities in advance to help them navigate the process and improve their license, but formal approval requires going through license-review. For that reason, all licenses must go through a public review process described below. The goal of the OSI License Review Process is to ensure that licenses and software labeled as "open source" conform to existing community norms and expectations.